Is It Okay to Put a Dog on a Tie Out?

Is It Okay to Put a Dog on a Tie Out?

Surprisingly, many websites will tell you "no" and that a dog tie out stake will "make your dog aggressive". We are happy to report this is not true. After being in business over 13 years in making and manufacturing high-quality, tangle-free dog tie out stakes, I can personally testify that, YES, it is okay to put a dog on a tie out for supervised potty breaks and play sessions. NO, it does not make you a bad dog owner to own or use a dog tie out stake. Allow us to make common sense of why dog tie out stakes and cables get such a bad reputation.

We need to stop minimizing the options that animals have to be rescued and to find homes. Let's get more educated on the subject of dog tie outs and why it is okay to use a dog tie out stake. Lets first address the Myths about dog tie outs and whether it is acceptable to put a dog on a tie out.

Myths about Dog Tie Outs:

  1. Dog Tie Outs "will make your dog aggressive!": This is the first "fact" that many websites like to use. A dog does not become aggressive simply because you put him / her on a dog tie out. A dog tie out is not some magical force field that turns your dog into an aggressive, fire-breathing, three-headed dog ... It is just a dog tie out that is supposed to keep your dog and others safe.
  2. Dog Tie Outs are Not Dependable or Secure Enough: This is true for almost all brands of dog tie outs. However, the Double Dog Run is made to hold the largest breed dog times two. Additionally, the tie out uses simple physics in the patented design making the tie out stake system the most secure dog tie out. Bottom line, you get what you pay for, if you get something made of a little steel and mostly aluminum from China, well, don't expect it to make it for more than a few minutes or hours. (Just being honest)
  3. Dog Tie Outs are Illegal: Stop it, no they are not. Some regions in some states have banned dog tie outs. Mostly neighborhoods with HOAs or other restrictions won't let a person install a fence or install a tie out stake. Many times it is anything permanent. Dog tie outs are not made to be used 24/7 only for short time-spans that follow your area's leash laws.
  4. Dog Tie Outs will Choke your dog and break them into pieces! As usual, people like to exaggerate OR they like to blame poor judgment on their part and make everyone else suffer. There are certain breeds that should not be tied out such as greyhounds. These breeds get to such high speeds so fast that they cannot be tied out. Additionally, a responsible dog owner should always test the dog tie out for security and walk their dog around the perimeter and across several times. See our article on training your dog to use a dog tie out stake. Additionally, you can use a harness with a dog tie out to eliminate the stress on the neck.
  5. Dog Tie Outs are Dangerous because they Tangle: Another myth that cannot be used any longer. Many brands, including Double Dog Run have found a way to keep the dog tie outs from tangling. Out of all of the different "no tangle" or "tangle-free" dog tie out stakes, the Double Dog Run has the tangle-free issue completely resolved. Not only will it keep tie out cables from tangling around the base, but it also keep two dog tie out cables from tangling.

Bottom line is that it is okay to put a dog on a tie out. Best practices: Be a responsible dog owner and get the highest quality dog tie out stake and cable you can find. Also, have common sense, if your dog is aggressive already, don't tie it out. Lastly, do not get a dog tie out that will tangle your dogs and get tangled around the stake itself, get a dog tie out that won't get tangled around anything. I would say find something similar to the Double Dog Run, but there is nothing that compares at this time.

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